přátelská štěňátka beagle k dispozici k adopci
měsíc starý
muž žena.
3měsíční pes Yorkshire teriér. Má své záběry aktuální a už byl odčerven. Je tam poplatek za domovní prohlídku a on se nachází v
Cena: dohodou
Číslo inzerátu: 1095381 Vloženo: 05. 05. 2021 Změněno: 05. 05. 2021 Druh: nabídka Kraj: Jihočeský Okres: Jindřichův Hradec Přidat do výběru >>
Prodám fenku brabantíka s Průkazem původu, oba rodiče výstavně úspěšní, zuby 6/6, patelly 0/0, fenečka je prav. odčervována, je očkována a čipována s EU pasem. Matka : Jakkal Berry Černý onyx - výborná, res. CAC, otec : Legend Can Talk Corsairey Casch - klubový šampion ml., Český junior šampion, 3x Res.CAC,2x CAC ČR, Best of Opposite Sex, BOB, Klubový vítěz, Res. CACIB.
Silver labradors are the only specimens in this area offered by both genre.
Born on 07.03.2025. Raised in home conditions, happy and playful.
Before taking over, they will be regularly cleaned from inside and outside
parasites and vaccinated.
For more information, call +381695222005
Whippet puppies of both genre available. Born on January 21, 2025.
Raised in home conditions with a lot of love and attention under the
constant supervision of a veterinarian.
Accustomed to home conditions, very cheerful and playful.
Regularly cleaned several times from inside and outside according to age
parasites and vaccinated. Learned to wear diapers and eat pellets independently.
When taking over, a clinical examination is done by a veterinarian
for your and our safety that the rock is healthy and straight.
You can see our dogs on in.sta
\" royal_surprise_kennel\"
And tiktok \"royal_surprise_kennel\"
For more information, call +381695222005
Prodám štěňata labradorského retrívra
z nejlepších anglických krevních linií
(Rocheby, Cornlands, Poolstead, Winnie\'s, Carpenny).
To jsou jen někteří ze slavných psů
ve světě nalezené v rodokmenu našich psů:
Rocheby Whisky Mac, Rocheby Old Smokey, Rocheby Candy Stripe, Cornlands Wellington, Carpenny Walpole atd.
Štěňata z těchto kombinací jsou
aktuálně nejlepší v Srbsku.
Chovatelská stanice Berger Maryland
má také 15 let zkušeností s výchovou labradorů.
Štěňata jsou očkovaná a zbavená střevních parazitů.
Se štěnětem dostanete průkaz původu a očkovací průkaz. http://www.berger.co.rs/
Telefon: +381637419647
Telefon: +381658404117
e-mail: darkoberger55@gmail.com
Boljevci, Bělehrad,
Persian Greyhound Saluki puppies available for booking, born 02/04/2025.
Before taking over, they will be regularly cleaned of internal and, according to their age
external parasites and vaccinated.
Raised in home conditions with lots of love and attention with constant veterinary supervision.
They eat independently, happy and playful.
The parents in the pictures are very successful exhibition specimens.
When taking over, a clinical examination is done by a veterinarian
for your and our safety that the rock is healthy and straight.
For more information, call +381695222005
Black and tan poodle puppies available for reservation, 4 boys and one female.
Ostenjeni: 11/02/2025
Mother Pampered Puppies by Emmy Felicity (progenie Gently Born)
Father: Pampered Puppies by Emmy Athos (progenie Izumikoi S Juliany)
For other information and price +381631830917
Kennel Labrador Retriever KECMAN\'S FCI 6895 offers
Chocolate brown puppies for sale.
Parents have been genetically tested and have hip and elbow certificates.
For all information, call at
Phone +381628906148
Miniature Poodle puppies born on February 22, 2 boys and 4 girls available
from April 15, weaned in home conditions, taught on diapers
Serbia +381603487453